Our ethics:

We only cooperate with mines and companies that offer conflict-free raw materials. This means that no people or children are exploited, employees are paid fairly, and transactions are conducted and taxed legally.

The German Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development developed a raw material certification system for Rwanda and Congo together with partner institutions more than 12 years ago. It has been in implementation since 2009.

The five criteria for certification:

  1. Transparency: e.g. no support for criminal organizations, no illegal support for political organizations
  2. Working conditions: no child labour, fair wages, freedom of organization and negotiation
  3. Safety: e.g. hygiene and ensuring safety, safety training, respect for human rights
  4. Community development: Supporting local communities, coordination with local stakeholders before using the land
  5. Environment protection: preparation of environmental impact assessment, waste management plan, ecological reprocessing after mine closure

We have contacts with mines in Grand Katanga, Grand Kivu and Kisangani that are approved by the Congolese Ministry of Mines and meet these criteria.